Thursday, May 20, 2010



Documents discovered in personal effects

of pre-warholian pilot’s remains shed

light on age-old Salvage Ship mystery.

Until recently, historians have been at a

loss to adequately explain how the Salvage vessels

(see Crankenstein) could traverse the varied

landscapes of their designated pickup locations.

Intergalactic/planetary travel was in no

way hindered by their massive weight due

to the weightlessness of space. Once on the

ground however, it was very different.

The SS 396 Salvage Ships ships were heavy and difficult to maneuver.

No amounts of coffee and tobacco products

could entice the meat motors to attempt to

reach the higher elevations where most of

the precious payloads were harvested.

The journal belonging to a 500 year old

veteran of the invasions led our field researchers

to a site in the Northeast 02048 sector.

(Insert whip story here) The apparent remains of a

previously unseen vehicle that was commonly used by more skilled

pilots and meatmotors to gather payloads from the

extremely high elevations was reported to have been uncovered. These teams would then

deliver them to central pickup locations in the

valleys so the Salvage Ships could be loaded

and continue on their route.

The only enticement that the pilots could offer the special breed of

of meat-motor that would be willing to scale these elevations was to agree

to turn control of the vessel over to the meat-motor during the

entire descent.

It was clear that the meat motors had no particular knowledge

of the purpose of the run nor would they care.

The only aspect that interested them at all was the blinding and

totally reckless thrills encountered during the descent.

The pilots would simply power down and keep their circuits crossed

during the return trip to the valley.

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