Sunday, November 13, 2016

Archery and the Agony of Influence.

Soon we discovered that the bow we had fabricated from
an old wooden rim was much too unstable and
fragile for everyday use and abuse.
 It failed almost immediately after being finished.

When we shared our story with a fellow tinker he was
most sympathetic with our situation.
A short time later we encountered the same man again.
He excitedly presented an article that had crossed his path
since our previous meeting.

Cast crossbow replica removed from wooden stock.
We immediately fell for the piece. It was obviously a child's
toy and would not function as a true crossbow but that
was of no concern since we had no intention of employing
such a device. We simply wanted it to look like one.

  We quickly discovered that we were not the only ones fascinated
by the ingenuity of these ancient implements.

Christopher suggested that I look up the film, "NINE" as it
might be enjoyed by anyone who has just returned
from vacationing in Italy.